Exilis ULTRA
Define your body. Discover your confidence.
Say Goodbye to saggy skin with
Exilis ULTRA
Exilis Ultra is an FDA-approved device that offers a non-surgical solution using gentle radio frequency (RF) energy for body sculpting and tightening tissue anywhere on the body. It sculpts away problem areas and tightens the overlying skin. Each treatment is short and painless. There is no need for numbing cream, pain medications or messy preparations. Treatment times vary but on average are 30-60 minutes. Skin tightening results occur gradually over four to six months and are consistently more obvious that other skin-tightening devices. Call DermaCare today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about the Exilis Ultra!
✓ Painless treatment
✓ No downtime after treatment
✓ Easy to operate
✓ Noninvasive treatment
✓ Visible results

Discover the DermaCare Difference
Get a personal consultation prior to any treatment with one of our highly trained skin team experts for a customized service tailored just for you. Call us at (509) 783-5050 and Discover the DermaCare Difference today!